A bit of important information about the game:
The game is based on a classic draw poker variation played with a deck of 32 (from 7 to A, no jokers) or 52 cards (from 2 to A, no jokers). The colors of the cards are not ranked. Detailed rules of the game are described HERE.

The game objective is to completely strip on-screen woman of her clothes. While losing, the girl would pawn pieces of her clothes one by one and then take them off in an attractive manner. After winning a level, you can re-watch all the previous strip scenes.
As you progress through the game, you will have several wishes triggered by icons on the left side of the screen. Depending on woman's personality, different surprises may be waiting for you. You can also try to distract your woman by buying her a drink, so you may be able to get a sneak peek at some of her cards. But be careful! Drinks have a cost and will eat up your virtual resources, and the girl may not always want a drink...
The women on the screen will try to distract you by flirting in different ways. They may be happy, angry, commenting on the game or throwing cards. Each one has a different temperament which also influences the level of difficulty. Some don't play very cleverly, while others are difficult to beat.
If you need to temporarily pause the game and quit - next time you will be able to start the game from the same stage (game state saving works automatically from the second stage). For the unlucky players there is also the possibility to play with extra help using special secret cheat-codes, which allow you to see her cards or swap your own. Although this makes the game much easier, we recommend not to use the cheat-codes, as they reduce the pleasure of winning. For more information, see cheats.

Each time you manage to completely undress a girl, this is rewarded with the opportunity to start the game next time from an increasingly undressed stage. You can do this by clicking on one of the trophy icons that will appear around the game's start button. Getting all of them will allow you to start the game from any stage, or see all the stripping shows without playing the game.
IMPORTANT: Pausing the game (saving the current stage) and gaining game progress (trophies) are features that are only active for full version girls that you have activated by purchasing or using a special product code. These features do not work with the girls that are available in the game for free (without activation).
Other features of the game:
- Double-clicking on the screen hides the entire control interface and the video is not veiled. A single click restores the control interface.
- Cheat codes: the code entry window appears when you click on the upper part of the screen 5 times during the game. After entering the cheat code you can view your opponent's cards or substitute your own (only after the cards have been exchanged and drawn). The cheat code is stored in the game until it is invalid (usually the following month).
Typical gameplay
A typical game goes as follows: Each player has a certain amount of virtual money used for betting. There is also the so-called pot, which is the current amount of virtual money available for winning in every deal. Before each deal, the players pay $5 each to the pot. This is the so-called initial bet. Initial bets are collected automatically from the amount held by each player before the deal. Each of the players receives five drawn cards. 1. The first bets are placed before the cards are drawn If the player is the first to place a bet, he may: • start the game by betting a selected amount (the BET button); • wait (the STAY button) and allow the betting to be started by the other player; • fold (FOLD), losing the deal at the same time. If the player is the second to place a bet, he may: • raise the bet (the RAISE button) - the pot is in this case increased by an amount of the player's money equal to the value of the last bet plus an amount chosen by the player. If the other player stayed (i.e. did not pay any money to the pot) then instead of the button RAISE you can see the BET button which has already been described; • to mark and swap the cards (DRAW); the value of the last bet is collected if there was a raise; • fold (FOLD), losing the money paid to the pot in that deal; the pot goes to the woman. 2. Swapping cards. If the woman has requested to swap the cards, the player is asked to mark the cards he wishes to swap by clicking on them and confirming that he is ready by pressing DRAW. 3. Second betting (after the swap). If the player is the first to place a bet, he may: • continue the game placing a bet he selects (BET); • check the cards of the woman (CALL): the value of the last bet is collected if there was a raise; • fold (FOLD), losing the money paid to the pot in that deal; the pot goes to the woman. If the player is the second to place a bet, he may: • raise the bet (RAISE): the value of the last bet is collected plus an amount chosen by the player; • check the cards of the woman (CALL): the value of the last bet is collected if there was a raise; • fold (FOLD), losing the money paid to the pot in that deal; the pot goes to the woman. If one of the players calls, the players’ hands are compared according to the poker hierarchy; if both players have the same card combinations, the highest of the remaining cards decides who wins. If those cards are equal, the second highest card of those remaining decides. This is the rule of the highest card. If the combinations and the remaining cards are identical, there is a tie, the pot is left as it was and another deal is made. 4. End of deal. Possibly another deal. Card hands ranks (starting from the lowest): Nothing - the player has none of the combinations described below. Pair - the player has two cards of the same rank. If both players have pair then the pair of cards with the higher rank wins. If both pairs are the same, the rule of the highest card shall apply. Two pair - the player has a combination of four cards consisting of two different pairs, e.g. two aces and two queens. If both players have two pair, the pair with cards of the highest rank decides and if the higher pairs are identical then the rank of the second pair decides who wins. If the second pairs are also identical, the rule of the highest card shall apply. Three of a kind - the player has three cards of the same rank. If both players have Three of a kind then the rank of the cards that make the combination decides who wins. Straight - the player has five cards in sequence but of different suits. If both players have this combination, the highest card in the combination decides who wins. If the combinations are of the same rank, there is a tie, the pot is left as it was and another deal is made. Please remember that an ace may also have the value of 1 (it is important for Straight or Straight Flush). Flush - the player has five cards of the same suit, but not in sequence. If both players have this combination, the highest card in the combination decides who wins. If the combinations are of the same rank, there is a tie, the pot is left as it was and another deal is made. Full house - the player has a combination of a Three of a kind and a pair. If both players have this combination, the higher Three of a kind decides who wins. Four of a kind - the player has four cards of the same rank. If both players have Four of the kind, the rank of the cards that form the combination decides who wins. Straight Flush - the strongest combination in the game, composed of five cards in sequence and of the same suit. If both players have this combination, the highest card in the combination decides who wins. If the combinations are equal in rank, there is a tie, the pot is left as it was and another deal is made. Both players start the game with the same amount of money. If the the girl does not have enough money to continue playing, she will have to bet her clothes and take them off if she loses. The same happens if the girl wins the game: if she wins enough money, she will be able to buy back her clothes and put them back on. The object of the game is to win the woman on the screen undress completely.